The Art of Self-Expression More Adults Are Overcoming ‘Creativity Scars’ and Embracing Expressive Arts Therapy

- By Natalie Blue,

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I just can’t find the words to explain how I’m feeling?” Arts in counseling can be extremely valuable in finding those hard to express thoughts. Finding meaning through images, metaphor, movement, sound, storytelling, or even scribbles, can often provide someone the emotional distance to describe the inner workings of their thoughts and feelings. Art therapy is a mental health profession that encourages clients to utilize art-making and the creative process as a means of self-expression. Now, picture this, you are at a networking event and someone asks you: ”So, what do you do?” Is your first instinct to launch your elevator pitch only to have that person’s eyes glaze waiting for their turn to talk? As the cofounder of The Artful Life Counseling Center and Studio, this does not happen to me often. Nine times out of 10, the person I’m talking to will have one of two reactions. The first is: “So you just work with kids, right?” or they will anxiously exclaim: “well, I can’t even draw a stick figure!” Many adults who declare they are not artistic have what I call “creativity scars.” A creativity scar occurs during childhood when a well meaning (or not-so-well-meaning) adult harshly criticizes the artistic abilities of a child. That child then declares themselves not an artist and the label carries into adulthood. It’s quite common to pass judgment on one’s ability to create, instead of seeing self-expression as a process open to everyone. It is a common assumption that art therapists only work with children. No matter our age we never lose our ability to flex our creativity muscle. Incorporating art modalities (visual, movement, drama, play, etc) into therapy is just another therapeutic tool like CBT or DBT, more cognitive-based tools, that many people are familiar with. Expressive arts therapy can be highly beneficial for adults as it provides an expressive outlet for emotional and psychological healing. It can provide an alternative mode of communication that can facilitate the expression of thoughts and feelings in a non-threatening way and improve interpersonal skills and relationships. According to Gallup polling, the number of adults seeking mental health counseling in the past two decades has doubled from 13 percent in 2004 up to 23 percent in 2022. As therapy needs for adults increase so does the need for treatments that are as unique as the individual seeking the support. Here are five additional ways that expressive arts therapy can be helpful for adults:

Emotional Expression: Sometimes, it can be difficult for adults to articulate complex emotions. The expressive arts allow individuals to express their feelings, thoughts, and experiences through visual art, movement or sounds. This can be particularly helpful for those who struggle with finding the right words to describe their emotions. This can also serve as a form of emotional release, allowing individuals to express and release pent-up emotions in a healthy and constructive manner.

Mindfulness & Stress Reduction: Engaging in art-making can be a soothing and meditative experience. It helps focus one’s attention on the creative process, which can lead to a reduction in stress and anxiety. The expressive arts encourage individuals to be in the present moment and engage fully in the creative process, which has a positive effect on mental well-being.

Self-Exploration: Through the art making process, individuals can explore their inner thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. This self-exploration can lead to greater self-awareness and insight into one’s own motivations and challenges. The act of producing something meaningful can provide a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Trauma Processing: Art therapy can be effective in processing and healing from traumatic experiences. Creating visual or body-based representations of trauma-related emotions and memories can help individuals confront and work through their trauma in a safe and controlled manner.

Enhanced Problem-Solving: Engaging in the creative process can help adults develop problem-solving skills as they experiment with different techniques, materials.

It’s important to note that expressive arts therapies are typically facilitated by therapists who have specific training to guide individuals through this process. It helps the client make connections between their artwork and their emotional experiences. Also expressive arts therapists use these tools effectively when combined with other therapeutic approaches, depending on the individual’s needs and goals. In my 20 years of work as a trauma therapist, I have witnessed my adult clients communicate emotions through various creative outlets. It is an honor to watch someone tap into their imagination in a way that helps them gain insights into their behaviors, deepen their self awareness and facilitate personal growth.


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