Our mission.

We are passionate about using the creative process to build connections. We believe that the power of art making allows individuals to feel more connected to themselves, to others and to their community.

Through expressive arts therapy we facilitate these connections to create and imagine a more artful life.


Expressive arts therapy

is for everyone.

“We express inner feelings by creating outer forms. Expressive art refers to using the emotional, intuitive aspects of ourselves in various media. To use the arts expressively means going into our inner realms to discover feelings and to express them through visual art, movement, sound, writing or drama.”

— Natalie Rogers, The Creative Connection


Hands-on exploration

Founded in 2016, The Artful Life is the only group practice on the North Shore that specializes in Expressive Arts Therapy, the practice of using visual arts, movement, drama, music, writing and other creative processes to not only help express and visualize emotions but also to facilitate personal growth.

In addition to individual and family counseling, we also offer creative arts wellness groups and workshops.

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Creative and collaborative solutions

We believe the first step towards change is to imagine the possibility of change. At The Artful Life Counseling Center and Studio, we help our clients imagine a healthier and more fulfilling life through creative and interactive approaches grounded in the latest psychotherapy research.

Our team of licensed psychotherapists provides client-centered, strength-based and collaborative expressive arts counseling for all ages.

Art therapy is used to improve cognitive and sensorimotor functions, foster self-esteem and self-awareness, cultivate emotional resilience, promote insight, enhance social skills, reduce and resolve conflicts and distress, and advance societal and ecological change.”

- The American Art Therapy Association

“The expressive arts combine the visual arts, movement, drama, music, writing and other creative processes to foster deep personal growth and community development.”

- International Expressive Arts Therapy Association